Painted Bunting Preparing to Leave
Painted Bunting Dance
Look Right
Indigo Escape
What are you looking at?
Indigo Bunting
The Conjurer
Perfect Landing
FWNC Great Blue
Another Leap
The Return
FWNC Coyote
Kingfisher at Rest
Oh Dear
Northern Flickrer FWNC
FWNC Egret Flight
Spread Egret
Fabled Flicker Flight
Oh Deer
Belted Kinfisher Redux
Osprey Flight
Woody Impersonation
Kingfisher Portrait
VCDB American Kestrel
From the Tips
Kingfisher FWNC
Male Cardinal FWNC
Blue Heron FWNC
American Robin FWNC
Running with the Bull
Waiting in the Sun
A Manditory Announcment
FWNC Harrier
Spotted Towhee FWNC
Kingfisher FWNC
American Bittern Intent Gaze
American Bittern gets his Prize
American Bittern Eye
Morning Mockingbird
Cardinal Leap
Bluejay Leap
Mockingbird Leap
Kingfisher on Bridge
Kingfisher at FWNC
Morning at the Fort Worth Nature Center
Egret's Rest
Hide and seek
Carolina Chickadee FWNC
Black Vultures
Pelican Flight
Morning at the Pond
Carolina Wren
The Glance
Limpkin at the Pond
Limpkin Winging it
Egret and Friend
Limpkin Food
Limpkin Dining
Limpkin Profile
Cardinal Breakfast
Red-shouldered Hawk FWNC
Phoebe Bite
Sunlit Phoebe
Sanhill Cranes
Impending Doom
Phoebe Transit
Eastern Phoebe Flight
Mussel Building
More Phoebe Flight
Diamondback water snake
Phoebe in-flight
Phoebe waiting my Departure
White-eyed Virio
FWNC Great Egret
Painted Bunting Shrug
Indigo Bunting on a limb
Carolina Chickadee
Painted Bunting Waitng
Painted Bunting Reaching Out
Night Heron the FWNC
Two Juvenille Limpkins
Limpkin Flight
Green Heron Looking unwell
Phoebe on a twig
Great Blue Heron 240711
Fish for Breakfast
Yacky Yak
Black-chinned Humingbird
Great Blue Heron in Flight
Banana Spider in a Showert
Banana Spider Lower right
Morning Catch
Kingfisher Perched
Kingfisher Dive
Gulf fritillary
Eastern Phoebe Dive
Cardinal Attack
Green Heron at the Fronds
Northern Flicker Lift Off
Out of the Bird Tree
Killdeer Flight
FWNC hide and seek champion
Deer Munch
FWNC Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker heading to the trees
third one this year
River Take off
American Coot Take off
FWNC Belted Kingfisher
Blus Jay Stance
To Every Season Tern Tern Tern
White Pelican Flight